Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Definitions become archaic: Gay

How long does it take for a meaning of a word to become archaic? Here we see that homosexual doesn't crop up until the fourth use of the word, yet, is it not the primary use of the word these days, and for many decades?

Aside from a few random songs, like 'Deck the Halls' and the 'Flintstone's Theme,' just how often do people use gay to mean happy? Quite the misnomer considering how unhappy so very many homosexual men are.

Once upon a time the word was foisted upon homosexual men to explain to the very same kind of five-year-olds, who now giggle at the word, just what was off or different about them.

"Mommy, why's that guy acting like that?"

"Oh, he's just gay, dear."

Then, at some point, instead of being ashamed of the word, in a similar sense to the n-word, homosexual men claimed the word gay as their own. Lesbians, on-the-other-hand, took the time to pick their word, basing it off of the ancient Greek Isle of Lesbos upon which the philosopher Sapphos had her all woman's school of philosophy and poetry. During my Summer at Cedar Point, I mused over why homosexual men didn't take a similar route and go with the term "Athenian" to describe their intellectualism and same-sex romance.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Vacation Impossibilities

For my next vacation, I think I want to go to #Malifaux.

I'm sure the Tyrant Procrastination, from book 6 or so, needs an avatar. I'd be perfect for the job.

A Study on...Studies.

Think I can get a grant to do a study on how effective studies are?

Not that I'm a wiz at statistics, but I know enough about the theory and practice of such arcane arts to prove to a <0.05 margin of error that my study proves whatever my findings may be to be significant. I'm also adept enough at using a thesaurus to make the summary of my results newsworthy, if only for a day or so, as that is all one can really hope for in this digital age.

And I can just picture it turning out like a "Who's on first?" sketch:

What is this study about?


So there's more than one? Don't you think you should tackle one at a time so you don't confuse the data?

Oh, there's only one study.

Okay, then what's it about?


But you just said there's only one.

There is.

So tell me what it's about...

I’m Christian, unless you’re gay. | Single Dad Laughing

I’m Christian, unless you’re gay. | Single Dad Laughing

There are some salient points here, but the sense of entitlement runs both ways.

When people go around proclaiming to be one thing or another, that is their proclamation
to everyone else as to just what makes them better than everyone else. Whether it's their
religion, their sexuality, the music they like, the sports team(s) they like, brand of automobile,

It's not enough to just like something, to do something, to own something. People have to be
the living embodiment of it, most often in a two-dimensional caricature of the worst possible
stereotypes for their, well, let's call it what it is, obsession. Everything revolves around exclusion.

So while love may conquer all and is one of many points that religions try to instill in us, that love is,
by necessity, exclusionary. One tribe versus another. One faith versus another. It's a battle of disparate
memes, which have created super-organisms such as nations and religions, fighting over the resource
that is humanity itself.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac - Pet - YouTube

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac - Pet - YouTube

Been awhile since I stumbled on this video.

Test entry

I've been considering starting a new blog of sorts to act as a storage space for all of the things I post to Facebook that get lost among the aether in a matter of minutes. "Oh, hey, remember that thing I posted a few days ago...Oh, it's gone. Great."

Meanwhile, I've been stumbling into more and more painting blogs, or plogs. Breadcrab's, which identical to his Malifaux forum thread, for now, which I found from Twilight Emporium, which I found when looking for other Malifaux images. I may or may not decide to start one as well.

We'll just have to wait and see which one this becomes. Then again, it may just become both.